Once you have launched your brand online you need to start being organised with your content and one amazing way to do this is via a content calendar. We work with clients all the time to help them with campaigns and various other projects online and we regularly put together a content calendar to keep everyone in the loop and to keep on track with consistent marketing. Here are our 6 top tips for creating a content calendar that will keep you organised and on target with your content.
In all cases you want to stay in touch with the client. Even if it is just the simplest question, it is important to check with the client to make sure you are doing exactly what they want. With this in mind, you may want to leave time for your calendars to be reviewed several times before they are approved. This way the client can proof read the calendars and give you feedback so you represent their brand correctly.
It is a good idea to create both a long-term and short-term plan for your content so it develops in the way you want it too, as opposed to just becoming something. It is a good idea to do a very simple 6 months outline with more detailed monthly calendars, showing posts and themes for each day. It may be a big job to do at the start of each month but it will make the rest of your month much more pleasant and straightforward.
It is a good idea to include dates and times on your monthly content calendar so you can begin to monitor which times of the day work best for your brand. It also helps if you decide to assign the calendar to other employees or interns, so they have all the information they need to complete the job successfully.
You do not want to churn out the same content week after week with no variety. Monitor which posts are most popular and adapt each month to give your audience what they enjoy. Make sure there is variety in what you post each day in your social platforms and balance out promotions with posts that promote the brands image. Remember to keep the blog content as evergreen as possible so you can continue to use it in the future. This way you can begin to reuse content over time without it seeming old or seasonal.
People love visual. It attracts them and draws them in, especially if they are partnered with a clever quote. Visual posts make the difference online and can bring a social profile to life. Make sure you include the photographs in the content calendar and any links relevant to the post so everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect.
Do not plan to post the same thing to each social platform. Create posts on your content calendar that are specific to each platform and that incorporate the correct language for each space. For examples, hashtags on Twitter, images on Facebook, links on both. This will not only naturally boost your posts but help with your SEO, especially if you are on Google+.
What advice would you have for a content calendar? Do you have any additional tricks up your sleeve? How effective do you find your content calendars? Comment below!
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